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Creating an international
community of practice

Collaborative platform to enable a regular dialogue and peer learning for the international community of practice among education statisticians.

Documents and Resources




Concept note



Bureau of the first session


English | FrenchSpanish

All documents

Official documents

Background documents

  • 1 UIS/EDS/BP.D4E
    Data for education
    English| Presentation
  • 1 UIS/EDS/BP.HHS.1
    El uso de las encuestas de hogares en la producción de indicadores sobre educación
  • 1 UIS/EDS/BP.HHS.2
    Using household surveys to monitor SDG4
  • 1 UIS/EDS/BP.HHS.3
    Using labour force surveys to produce education indicators
  • 1 UIS/EDS/BP.LO.1
    Measuring and monitoring learning outcomes and skills: Where we are and what is missing in terms of SDG4 coverage?
  • 1 UIS/EDS/BP.RC.1
    Summary of key issues raised in the regional preparatory meetings for the Conference
    English | French | Spanish

Other documents

  • Information document for the 217 session of the UNESCO Executive Board (217EX/5.INF)
    English | French



Session 3: International Standard Classification of Education: challenges and solutions forward

Session 8: Household survey data: challenges and solutions forward

Session 9: National SDG 4 benchmarks: challenges and solutions forward

Session 10: Integration of statistics

Session 14: Education data: challenges and solutions forward

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Pre-conference engagement day

Meeting of members of the Technical Cooperation Group on SDG4 Indicators (TCG)

Concept note: English | French
Presentation: English

Data-driven approaches to lifelong learning: engagement day


Synthesis report


Session concept notes and presentations

  1. Data-driven insights and transformative solutions in early childhood education (Presentation)  (Video)
    English | French | Spanish
  2. Higher education data production (Presentation)
    English | French | Spanish
  3. Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and skills development (Presentation)
    English | French | Spanish
  4. Adult learning and education (Presentation)
    English | French | Spanish
  5. Education in emergencies (Presentation)
    English | French | Spanish
  6. High-quality data on gender equality in and through education (Presentation)
    English | French | Spanish
  7. Sound data for good governance (Presentation)
    English | French | Spanish
  8. Effective data-driven decision-making (Presentation)
    English | French | Spanish


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General information



Logistical information

  • Note #1
    Travel and Planning
  • Note #2
    UNESCO Headquarters and Paris information


Regional Consultations

List of regional consultations

Regional Consultations for the Pacific region 3-5 October Summary
Regional Consultations for the Arab States region 16 October Concept note Summary
Regional Consultations for Asia 17-19 October Concept note Summary
Regional Consultations for Latin America and the Caribbean 2-3 November Concept note
Regional Consultations for Africa 24 November Concept note
Regional Consultations for Northern America and Europe 27 November Summary

Summary of all regional consultations

  • Summary of key issues raised in the regional preparatory meetings for the Conference
    English | French | Spanish

Presentations of regional consultations

Position papers of regional consultations

  • 1 UIS/ESC/5
    Implementation of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED):challenges and solutions forward
  • 1 UIS/ESC/6
    Administrative education data: What are the challenges going forward?
  • 1 UIS/ESC/7
    Teachers’ Indicators: What are the challenges going forward?
  • 1 UIS/ESC/8
    Education Expenditure Indicators: What are the challenges going forward?
  • 1 UIS/ESC/9
    Using household surveys to monitor SDG 4: What are the challenges going forward?
  • 1 UIS/ESC/10
    Measuring and monitoring learning outcomes and skills: What are the challenges going forward?
  • 1 UIS/ESC/11
    Setting and monitoring national SDG 4 benchmarks: What are the challenges going forward?

Background documents

  • 1 UIS/ESC/BP.HHS.1
    El uso de las encuestas de hogares en la producción de indicadores sobre educación
  • 1 UIS/ESC/BP.HHS.2
    Using household surveys to monitor SDG4
  • 1 UIS/ESC/BP.HHS.3
    Using labour force surveys to produce education indicators
  • 1 UIS/ESC/BP.LO.1
    Measuring and monitoring learning outcomes and skills: Where we are and what is missing in terms of SDG4 coverage?

Expert and Technical Meetings


Meeting of the Global Alliance to Monitor Learning (GAML) 6-7 December link
10th Meeting of the Technical Cooperation Group on SDG4 Indicators (TCG) 11 December link

Follow-up on the Conference on Education Data and Statistics: decisions and next steps

Follow-up on the Conference on Education Data and Statistics: decisions and next steps
12 April 2024 from 8:30 am – 10:00 am (Montreal time)

Recognizing the critical need to capitalize on the momentum generated by the Conference, the UIS is organizing a global meeting to showcase the decisions, main takeaways and next steps of the Conference.

The meeting will be held English with simultaneous interpretation to French and Spanish.

The link to join the meeting is here

Concept note

English | French | Spanish


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Media gallery

Webcast recordings


Day 1: Keynote speech and the high-level panel English | French | Spanish

Day 2: Keynote speeches English | French | Spanish

Day 3:

  • Keynote speech and the panel of regional organizations on education monitoring English | French | Spanish
  • Panel of UN organizations on education monitoring Floor | English
  • Panel of international organizations on the role of technology in education data production Floor | English
  • Panel of Member States on data for the future and use of technology Floor | English
  • Concluding remarks by the Rapporteur (Mr Luis Crouch, Chair of the Global Alliance to Monitor Learning (GAML)) English

Video clips

Photo gallery

News alerts



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For information, please contact to the Conference Secretariat: edstatcom.uis@unesco.org

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